We are an autonomous and independent association from the state administration bodies, bodies of local self-government and political organizations.
Our mission is to integrate communities and organizations of disabled people and to promote their business. Through various initiatives we support the development of self-help organizations and popularise the idea of cooperation between these organizations home and abroad (France, Great Britain, Slovenia, Belarus, Ukraine).
Movie about project - Lublin European Town of Culture 2016 - accessible for everyone
Reportage about project „Overcoming Barriers Lublin - Zamość - Włodawa - Brześć partnership for the activation of the disabled 2012-2013" Poland / Belarus
We represent the interests of disabled people and organizations on the local and national forum.
During the regularly held meetings LFOON-SW members, we are trying to identify the true needs, environmental problems and expectations of people with disabilities in the Lublin region. We initiate meetings with representatives of local, state the Seym and the Senate authorities, where we present our proposals for concrete actions and solutions to the most serious problems. We cooperate with the most important institutions in the region, including of: the Marshal's Office, City Hall, the Labour Office, Municipal Lublin PFRON branch, as well as with the Municipal Center for Family Support and County Family Assistance Centers.
We continue to run information and advisory and training activities as part of the Information and Advisory Centre for the Disabled.
We run niepelnosprawni.lublin.pl portal – an Online Bulletin of Disabled, of which the editors consists mostly of people with disabilities. Every day we publish articles, reports, news and a wide Knowledgebase on the environment of people with disabilities.
Movie about an unusual editorial board of portal niepelnosprawni.lublin.pl
We also carry out information activities using social networking sites on the Internet like facebook, ammado.
We publish materials containing information about the facilities and institutions providing assistance to the handicapped as well as the availability of cultural venues in the Lublin Voivodeship.
We support initiatives of member organizations in the area of socio-professional rehabilitation.
We run a Career Office and Employment Agency for People with Disabilities; we implement projects aimed at developing entrepreneurial and professional activation of persons with disabilities.
We support the artistic activity of people with disabilities by organizing contests and exhibitions of works of art.
We run a Chess Workshop for people with problems in verbal communication and physical disabilities.
Every year we organize a conference summarizing our activities, and then we also reward statuettes LFOON-SW persons of particular merit for the environment of people with disabilities.
Joint initiatives, exchange of experiences, meetings with representatives of national and local authorities, environmental conferences integrate the community of disabled people and help in the work of the statutory member organizations. Cooperation within LFOON-SW enables an efficient flow of information, a quick analysis of the legal changes introduced, agreeing positions and rapid response of the environment.
Wide media impact of our initiatives, which allows the community to learn about the real problems and needs of people with disabilities in the region, and thus contributes to the integration and the elimination of social barriers.
We promote the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. We took part in the ceremony of signing the ratification documents by the President of the Republic of Poland on the 6th September 2012 and the footage of this event is contained at niepelnosprawni.lublin.pl.
1. Lublin Forum of the Organizations for the Disabled People – Voivodeship Seym hereinafter referred to as the Forum is an association of organizations, registered, and acting on the basis of the “Law on Associations” and due to this fact has a legal personality. 2. Organisations which statutorily deal with issues of the disabled people can be members of the Forum. 3. The territory of Forum’s activity is Lublin Voivodeship and its premises is the city of Lublin. 4. The Forum is an organization autonomous and independent from the public administration, self-government bodies and political organisations. 5. The Forum is an apolitical and worldview neutral organisation. 6. The Forum is voluntary and open to all organisation meeting p-tu 2 requirements acting within the territory of Lublin Voivodeship. 7. Being member to the Forum leaves full autonomy of action and gathering with other national, foreign and international organisations. 8. The fundamental rule of the Forum is equal treatment of all the members in accordance to the provisions of the statute. 9. The Forum uses appropriate seals and a logo agreed on by its authorities. 11. The Forum reaches its goals by: 12. Membership in the Seym is ordinary, honorary or a supportive. 13. An ordinary member may Organizations statutorily dealing with the matters of disabled people, running their business within the territory of Lublin Voivodeship. Ordinary Members are represented in the Forum by their authorised representative. 14. A honorary member may be a natural or legal person especially honoured for the community of the disabled people. the title of a honorary member is vested upon by the General Assembly. 15. A supporting member may be organizations and informal groups carrying out social activities, economic entities, natural persons, who express their will to participate in works of the Forum or the will of material support to the Forum. 16. Ordinary members are accepted by means of a resolution on the basis of a written declaration expressing the willingness of joining the Forum and having paid joining fees the Board of Lublin Forum of the Organizations for the Disabled People – the Forum. 17. There is a possibility to appeal form the declining decision of acceptance to the General Meeting, which should be submitted within 30 days from the date of receiving of declining decision. 18. An Ordinary Member: 19. A Honorary and a Supporting Member: 20. The membership ceases by means of: 21. In case of exclusion or being expelled by the resolution of the Board a member has the right to appeal to the General Meeting within 30 days from the date of receiving the notification in this matter. 22. Exclusion by resolution of the Board results in being suspended in the rights of a member until the issue of the final decision of the General Meeting. 23. The Authorities of the Forum are as follows: General Meeting 24. The General Meeting is the highest authority in the Forum. 25. General Meeting of members is called upon a standard procedure by a resolution of the Board at least once a year until the 30th day of June in a given year. 26. General Meeting of members may be called upon in an extraordinary procedure based on: 27. The Board notifies the members of the Forum about the date and the agenda of the General Meeting by: placing the information on the Forum’s webpage and sending a regular registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt or sending a notice via email with acknowledgement of receipt at least 14 days before the General Meeting’s date informing about the place, date and the agenda of the meeting. 28. The participants of the General Meeting are the following: 29. A general Meeting is valid no matter the members participating in it – if all the members were properly informed. 30. The resolutions of General Meeting is passed by majority of votes given in an open voting, unless the General Meeting decides otherwise. 31. General Meeting convened in extraordinary procedure examines only cases for which it has been called upon. The manner of passing a resolution is identical to this in point 30 of the Statute. 32. The course of a meeting and resolution are minuted and the minutes are signed by the Chairperson of the Board and the Secretary of the Board. 33. The responsibilities of the General Meeting are especially: Board 34. Board: 35. Members of the board are elected in a secret voting where: 36. The board carries out its meetings accordingly to the needs, however not less than once in three months 37. Board’s duties are as follows: 38. The board may establish consulting teams in order to: 39. The board may employ workers or other people based on the civil law contract when such need emerges. Audit Committee. 40. Audit Committee is a body of control and supervision of the Forum not being under internal control or supervision by the Board and consists of 3-5 members chosen by the General Meeting in a secret voting for 3 years. 41. Out of its members the Audit Committee chooses a President and a Secretary. 42. Audit Committee at least once a year carries out a control of the general activity of the Forum and with a special focus on the finances. 43. The Committee submits a report on its work during a General Meeting and applies for the acknowledgement of the fulfilment of duties for the Board and also it submits post control conclusions and recommendations concerning statutory activities and finances. 44. Members of the Audit Committee: 46. The funds are among others from: 47. The board in responsible for the Forum’s finances by submitting a rational rules for managing them. 48. The documents in financial cases must be signed by two members of the board including the President or an authorised by the President member of the board. The same people incur a liability. 49. It is forbidden to: 51. In case of passing a resolution on the dissolution of the Forum the General Meeting will determine the future use of its assets and establish a Liquidation Committee and decide upon the social purpose as well as for which organisations with similar statutory purposes to those of the Forum will the Forum’s assets will be transferred..